Submitting your blogger URL or sitemap helps you to attract more visitors to your blog. It’s however very important for any blogger to submit his blog to Google at the very beginning because it enables your blog to be indexed crawled and Ranked by Google.
You can submit your blogger blog URL with four simple steps. Let’s see how.
Step 1:
Sign in to Google webmaster Tool with your Google account. Then go for ‘Add a Site’…and enter your blogger blog URL.DO NOT include WWW with your blog address. That should look something like this.
Then click ‘Continue’
Step 2:
If you successfully entered your URL, You will be asked to verify the ownership of your blog. Make sure that your entered the URL correctly and the verification method should remain default (‘Meta tag’) .
Now we will copy and paste the meta tag to a text editor (Notepad) or MSWord to add to blog at a later time.
Stay logged in to this page. We will need it after a while.
Step 3:
Log in to your blogger account.
Go to Layout> Edit HTML>
Press CTR+F to find the
Now add an END tag at the end of the meta tag you just copied.
After adding the end tag your Meta tag will look some like this:
<meta name="verify-v1" content=quotGL7JQ73M9vXVfCF6hKAdWWZZdbOrRbjxqlNnUnkeBQE=" />
Now paste the Meta tag just after
of your template and save your template.
Now go to the Google webmaster page and click verify.
You will be redirected to the dashboard with a confirmation message if the verification method is successful.
Step 4:
Then from the Dashboard of your Google webmaster homepage, go to Site configuration> Sitemaps and go for ‘Submit a sitemap”
Fill up the form with
This time your URL should look something like this:
Then click submit sitemap
Congratulations, You are done!
will receive a confirmation instantly telling you that reports are
being generated but it will take several hours to update. When you
login to your Google Webmaster later, you will be able to see the
indexed pages and statistics of Google webcrawl of your Blog.
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